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Lead Associate Consultant/Trainer for Slovakia


Viera has spent over 15 years working in education on many different levels, this included acting as an interpreter for schools to working in a Nurture room and developing close links with the local Roma community within her school setting.


Nurture lead , 02/2007 to 4/2020 Pillgwenlly Primary school, Newport


She has constantly developed her expertise by attending many courses to ensure that her own practice is the best it can be. As nurture lead Viera also developed new roles in order to support the loacl community. For example:


  • Supporting children in their development through using their home language                                                                                                      

  • Creating and delivering workshops for parents and family members from minority backgrounds mainly – Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community.                                                                                                                                                               

  • Collaborating with Local authority to improve pupil's attendance, 

  • Supporting children and their parents with their development of emotional literacy and growth mindset.

  • Viera  has created and delivered Family learning workshops that were marked as 'Excellent " and were commented on in the Estyn Report (June 2015) as having a 'significant impact on pupils' wellbeing and outcomes'.                                                                     

  • Created and delivered a successful intergenerational learning project with a local Care home in her area.2017- 2019

  • Shared our at Nurture in Welsh schools Event; sponsored by an Assembly member Jayne Bryant, Cabinet Secretary for Education in Wales Kirsty Williams AM and Nurture UK, Senedd, Cardiff Bay, UK, 2018

  • Organising and delivering international projects- Erasmus+ and eTwinning 


NURTURE IN SLOVAKIA                                                                                 

Most recently, in collaboration with Nurture International, Viera has been working  to create a platform and a network of people to enable the Nurture programme to be introduced in Slovakia to tackle issues with post pandemic education and inclusion pupils from marginalised communities. 


Viera has been invited to become a member of the expert working group of the State Pedagogical Institute (Slovakia) in the field of inclusive education and special education and will become a member of two boards:


  • A group focused on the support provided by ordinary teachers in teaching (especially the modification of educational content and methods within individualisation)

  • A group that addresses support outside the field of learning, i.e. building family relationships and various other activities to promote school inclusiveness.

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