This is a one-day programme.
(This programme can be accessed in person or as a virtual (online) programme with equivalent timed modules).
‘Up to 16.5 % of general population experience symptoms associated with sensory integration’. NHS England
(This is equivalent to one in six people perceive sensory information in a way that has a negative impact on their everyday lives).
We will explore:
The importance of the sensory system to the learning process.
How an undeveloped/disrupted sensory system can affect learning.
The impact of trauma on our sensory system.
How early experiences influence the development of our senses and with a particular focus on interoception, tactile, proprioception and vestibular.
How unmet sensory needs influence behaviour, mental health and learning. (What you may see and how you can help)
How we can identify learners’ sensory needs and provide effective targeted solutions.
Have you ever wondered?
Why some learners fidget and get up to sharpen their pencil time and time again?
Why you need to ask some learners constantly to stop rocking on their chairs?
Why some learners practice and practice regulation strategies but never use them at the appropriate time?
Join us on this programme to find out and explore simple and effective strategies to meet learners’ sensory needs.
What have previous participants said about this programme?
Beyond the most enjoyable course that I have attended – and I have attended lots! Highly recommended to all involved in Education. Asst. Advisory Officer EA PPBSP (Belfast)
I found the pace and the depth of knowledge excellent. Bergdis Wilson, (Iceland).
I found accessing the DPP and looking closer at interoception very beneficial. Lynette Bain (Carlibar Communication Centre)
Who would benefit from this programme?
Head Teachers and members of the Senior Leadership Team
SENDco/ALNco (Special educational needs/Additional learning needs co-ordinators)
Specialist Teachers/Teachers
Teaching Assistants
Higher Level
Teaching Assistants
Social Care Staff
All participants will receive a copy of the book, The Developmental Portrait: Sensory: This missing piece of the jigsaw.
£175 + VAT per person
Discount provided for groups.
Please contact Nurture International for further information about whole school training.
Click 'Book Now’ to see next available dates.