Associate Consultant/Trainer in the UK
Julie has had over 36 years of experience in education. She has been a teacher in all age schools for children with severe and complex needs. She has also worked in Primary schools as a specialist teacher.
Julie led a Portage home visiting service and was part of the early years advisory team. As part of the development of provision she worked with the Educational Psychology service to establish several Nurture Groups based on the Nurture principles .
She was then appointed head of Early Years and Childcare and managed several teams including the Area SENCO team.
In 2007 Julie started her own consultancy and training business specialising in inclusive practice in the early years. She also took up a part time position at the Institute of Education as a tutor on the Masters SENCO award in a number of Local Authorities on an outreach basis.
Whilst working at IOE she was part of a group of lecturers, child psychiatrists and early years practitioners who formed a project group focusing on the importance of early childhood development and links to early experiences. This led to her on going passion in learning about and sharing the knowledge base in relation to attachment, trauma, and resilience. Since then, Julie has delivered training to many schools, educational settings and across local authorities.
She also works with several national organisations providing consultancy and support in relation to services for children and young people with SEND and their families.
Delivery of whole school/setting CPD
Outreach tutor for Masters SENCO modules
Consultancy and support for teams
Facilitation of networks for staff development and peer support
Keynote conference speaking
Workshop facilitation
Action Learning Set facilitation
Local Authority Strategic support
Co creation of e learning Level 3 modules