Jean Barlow is a highly qualified and experienced teacher, consultant and trainer and has provided professional development training to schools and Local Authorities throughout the UK.
Jean has also delivered training to colleagues in Australia, New Zealand and USA. Jean’s passion is providing support to schools and families to promote the Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing of children by practical and effective strategies, which are based on Jean’s own wide experience in different educational settings. Jean’s teaching career began as a primary school teacher, before moving to the secondary sector and becoming Head of Drama. She then taught in a CAMHS Adolescent Unit, an SEBD School Behaviour Support Service and later became a Lead for Emotional Health and Wellbeing in a Local Authority Behaviour Management Team.
She was an associate tutor with Edgehill University, guest tutor with Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University. The success of Jean’s ideas and strategies is shown in several Action Research Projects.
Jean has written two books for classroom teachers, The Handy Quick Look Book for Circle Time published by Rochdale in 2002 and Peer Massage in the Classroom. Has presented at many conferences, including National Pyramid, MISA, SEBDA and NASEN and workshops throughout the UK.
Jean is currently working with Professor Francis McGlone of the Neuroscience Dept. at Liverpool’s John Moore University researching the impact of nurturing touch on children’s health and wellbeing.
During the pandemic Jean has concentrated on support through publishing articles, documents and supporting a mental health charity. Last year Jean was invited to join and contribute to the House of Commons All -Party Parliamentary Group report, “Wellbeing and Nurture: Physical and Emotional Security in Childhood”, which has raised concerns about the impact of the pandemic on children and provided practical guidance to schools and families to reduce feelings of isolation and insecurity.